Make a donation.
You can double the impact of your personal contribution to Positive Impact Health Centers. And, we can assist you in determining if your company has a matching gifts program.
Follow these steps:
Make a Donation
Save the receipt
Ask your HR department
Ask your HR department if there is a matching gifts program
Submit your match request through HR.
There are companies that require a form to be filled out by the nonprofit. Our Development Director is happy to help! Email or call (678) 990-6449
Does My Company Have a Matching Gift Program? Let's find out!
Positive Impact Health Centers’ has partnered with Double The Donation. This company has a searchable and user-friendly matching gift program to help you determine if your company has a matching gifts program. You will be surprised – your company might be in it! You can also save a step and begin submitting the match in their system.
Search your company below: