Positive Impact Health Centers provides a secure video platform to meet with your behavioral health team and receive effective treatment while staying safe at home.
COVID-19 has created an immediate need to reduce non-essential in-person contact. Secure video sessions with your therapist, peer counselor, group, medical provider, or psychiatrist provides a way to maintain connection while stayng safe.
We also understand there can be other reasons why receiving in person behavioral health can be a challenge. You may have transportation issues, live a long way from the office, have an inflexible work schedule, or childcare issues. These are other reasons we are happy to offer Telehealth appointments to our patients and clients.
Teleheath is offered via the use of a video conference technology system that allows your provider to provide services to individuals in another location. Through technoogy, we are overcoming barriers preventing individuals from recieving needed services.
Through a secure connection protecting your privacy and ensuring confidentiality, our Telehealth program gives you the ability to address your medical and behavorial health needs, no matter where you live.

Telehealth services Inquiries
Medical Care
(404) 589-9040 ext. 140.
Behavioral Health
For medical care through Telehealth, please contact your provider through....